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Amazing Ceiling Painting Ideas

Many people busy themselves with painting every other place in their home and forget one place-the ceiling. Yet, painting your ceiling could bring in a different impression into your space. Ceiling painting  has proved very helpful when people are considering decorating their rooms. The change that comes with such a painting is tremendous, and helps you get a complete feeling when you enter into any space. Here are some of the ceiling’s painting ideas:

  • The colour shade

When you want to create an impression of higher ceilings and more space, you could choose bright colours. The colour shade could be different from that of the wall. However, the wall and the ceiling colours should always resonate. Dark colour shades could help you to create an impression of lower ceilings and a cosy feeling.

  • Personalized ideas

When doing ceiling painting, always add a touch of personal tastes; whether your own tastes or those of your family members. If you are painting a girl’s ceiling room, you could add some decorative shades of pink and baby blue. Still you could add some sky blue colours in some of the kid’s rooms to give a dreamy illusion.

  • The type of paint

There are specific types of paint that create a better impression on your ceiling than others. A glossy paint for example will give you a reflective surface and will be more appropriate for smaller rooms than bigger rooms.

  • Pay attention to details

Since you may be painting a different colour on your ceiling, it is wise that you avoid spillage of paint during the painting.

Before you start painting your ceiling, it is important that you consider painting small spaces in your home. This helps you to decide whether you would want to paint your interior space. It also helps you to make the best decision on the colour, type and ideas that are appropriate for your interiors.

Painting of your ceiling is something that requires a lot of hard work and may prove costly. You should therefore do a lot of preparation and research before you start painting.


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